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Water-To-Go- Making Your Drinking Water Safer Through Nano Technology

If anything, the coronavirus pandemic and subsequent lockdowns have taught us all the importance of proper hygiene and the dangers that germs, bacteria, and viruses pose. We are much more careful when interacting with people in crowded spaces and we like to know where our food and other household commodities come from. This includes our drinking water. With pollutants, severe weather patterns which lead to floods and drinking water contamination, and other uncontrollable factors affecting the safety of our water, we need a solution that offers safe, clean drinking water that is free of any harmful contaminants.

Water-To-Go Nano Technology Filter Water Bottles

This is where Water-to-Go and our unique water filtration system can help. With a range of refillable, reusable and recyclable water bottles available, each with its own built-in nano technology filter system, Water-to-Go can guarantee the safety of your drinking water wherever you are. Whether you are hiking the backwoods trails, refuelling after a hard workout, or just quenching your thirst while working on that important presentation, safe, clean drinking water is important.

Water-to-Go offers three options to choose from including our City bottle 50 cls, our Outdoor 75 cls, and our Active 75cl, all with a 200 lt 3-in-1 nano technology filter included. Our filters receive stringent testing to meet the health and safety requirements of international labs on four continents. Each filter is designed to filter 200 litres of water, removing up to 99.9999% of microbiological contaminants from your water. That means that no matter where you are in the world, or how contaminated your water source is, Water-to-Go can remove microbiological contaminants, chemicals, and pesticides, making your water safe and potable.

Reducing The Impact Of Single-Use Plastics On The Environment

And not only do our nanotechnology water filter bottles help keep you healthy and hydrated, but they are also good for the environment. Millions of tonnes of single-use plastics are dumped into landfills and oceans every year and these plastics can leak contaminants into our drinking water, making us sick and harming plants and wildlife. By purchasing sustainable, reusable, and recyclable water bottles, we can significantly reduce the single-use plastic impact on our environment.

Effective Filtering Of Water From Just About Any Source

When you fill your Water-to-Go water bottle with questionable tap water, or water from lakes, streams, rivers, canals, wells, public wash basins, even puddles, you can rest assured knowing that it will filter out:

  • Metals including lead and chromium.
  • Dangerous chemicals including “VOC”s (volatile organic compounds).
  • Fluorides and chlorine.
  • Disease carrying bacteria e.g. E. coli, Cholera and Typhus.
  • Sickness inducing viruses such as Hepatitis A and Norwalk viruses.
  • Potentially fatal parasite eggs (known as Oocysts) like Giardia lamblia.

Get In Touch With Water-To-Go

To learn more, contact Water-to-Go today and shop our wide selection of innovative water bottles featuring nano technology filtration systems.

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